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时间:2024-04-02 03:32:29




Cherry is a plant, Rosaceae, deciduous trees, flowers and leaves in March with the release or leaves after flowering. Are also the cherry as the name of the album. Bark purple-brown, smooth and shiny, with horizontal stripes. Flowers and Leaves alternate, elliptic or obovate elliptic, margin Mount teeth, apex acute, while glands, surface dark green, shiny, slightly back light. Stipules lanceolate linear, jagged edge fine crack, crack terminal gland. Spend each 35, as umbrella inflorescence, sepals at the Standard, petal apex notch, white, red. Flowers and leaves in March with the release or the first flower after the leaves. The nuclear sphere, first red, then become purple-brown, mature in July. Japan's national flower.


tomato \\ 番茄,西红柿 asparagus \\ 芦笋 cucumber \\ 黄瓜 aubergine, eggplant \\ 茄子 bean \\ 菜豆 beet, beetroot \\ 甜菜 pepper \\ 胡椒 pimiento \\ 甜椒 potato \\ 马铃薯 carrot \\ 胡萝卜 cauliflower \\ 菜花,花椰菜 pumpkin \\ 西葫芦 broad bean \\ 蚕豆