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时间:2024-04-03 06:46:58


LED植物灯 LED plant light 英 [lait] 美 [la??t] n. 光,光明; 发光体; 日光,黎明; <诗>视力,眼神; vt. 使发光; 点燃; 使容光焕发; vi. 点燃; 发光,发亮; adj. 轻的; 少量的,微弱的; adv. 轻地,轻装地;


first,there a stem ,as the stem grows , it makes leaves ,do you remember why a plant has leaves,the piant makes food for itself with its leaves


1、plant 读音:英 [plɑ??nt] 美 [pl??nt]    n. 植物;工厂;设备;设施v. 种植;设立;建立;安插;栽赃All plants need water and light.所有的植物都需要水和阳光。 2、flora 读音:英 ['fl????r??] 美 ['fl????r??]    n. 植物;群落(大写)Flora:[罗神]花神弗洛拉; 弗洛拉(女名)My professor studies flora of the Palaeozoic Era.我的教授研究古生代的植物群。 3、botany 读音:英 ['b??t??ni] 美 ['bɑ??t??ni]    n. 植物学;植物To what degree are you interested in botany?你对植物学的兴趣达到什么程度?扩展资料:plant的近义词1、works 读音:英[w????ks] 美[w????rks] n. 工厂;修建;机器部件;全套物品hey are repairing the defense works.他们正在修防御工程2、mill 读音:英 [m??l] 美 [m??l]    n. 磨坊;工厂;磨粉机v. 碾碎;磨;(使)乱转The logs are drifted downstream to the mill.那些原木沿河顺水漂到工厂。

关于花的英语单词 azalea杜鹃花 begonia秋海棠 Brazil巴西木 cactus仙人掌 camellia山茶花 carnation麝香石竹(康乃馨)