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时间:2024-04-23 14:31:25


flower [??flau??]n.花, 花朵This flower was drawn on the paper.这朵花儿被画在了纸上。开花植物, 花卉精华The flower of the nation's youth attended the meeting.全国最优秀的青年参加了会议。 vi.开花This bush flowers in the spring.这个灌木丛在春天开花。 繁荣, 成熟


硕果累累、红润光滑、娇艳欲滴、妖娆红润【娇艳欲滴】【jiao yan yu di】【娇嫩艳丽得好像要滴下来了。】【形容植物色彩美丽。】【成语】硕果累累   【词形】abcc   【读音】shuò guǒ léi léi   【解释】(指积累很多)比喻巨大的成绩或者荣誉。


有关于水果的英语单词:apple 苹果、pear 梨、grape 葡萄、banana 香蕉、strawberry草莓。 1、apple 英[????pl] 美[????p??l] n. 苹果; 苹果公司; 苹果树; 复数:apples [例句]I want an apple.我想要一个苹果。 2、pear 英[pe??(r)] 美[per] n. 梨树; 梨(树); 复数:pears [例句]When you get hungry, just pluck a pear off the tree and eat it.肚子饿了你就从树上采摘一个梨吃吧。 3、grape 英[gre??p] 美[ɡrep] n. 葡萄; 深紫色,葡萄紫; 复数:grapes[例句]These accusations have been going on for some time now, but it is just sour grapes.这些指责到现在已经持续了一段时间,但这不过是吃不到葡萄说葡萄酸罢了。 4、banana 英[b????nɑ:n??] 美[b????n??n??] n. 香蕉; 芭蕉属植物; 喜剧演员; 复数:bananas [例句]People went bananas with boredom人们闷得发狂。 5、strawberry 英[??str??:b??ri] 美[??str??:beri] n. 草莓; 草莓色; 复数:strawberries [例句]He sent his driver to fetch him a strawberry shake.他让司机去给他买一杯草莓奶昔。