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时间:2024-05-27 17:20:25



1.一个人的朋友,就像一片星空。每个朋友,就像嵌在这片天空上的星,一颗星如果陨落了,那么谁也无法弥补这个位置。 2.每个人的心里都流淌着一首歌,他悠扬婉转。在我的心里有友谊之歌,它有温水一样的平淡,它有百合一样的馨香,他有骄阳一样的火热……青春年少的我时常吟唱这首歌,我的心润泽在友爱的温情里,洋溢着如春的灿烂……



友谊的英语作文: Friendship is one of the most precious emotions in life. How much prodect with many beautiful verse celebrities to sing and praise it. A great man once said: "the person who gets the friendship will be a poor lonely; the society without friendship, just a flourishing desert." Friendship is a moment of the time, and open flowers will make it results. Friendship is under the umbrella of the two, is a desk in the two eyes. Friendship is the ideal of two little flower, soil is magnificent music of two notes. Friendship is the sun never set. Let your friends approached, your soul. 译文: 友谊,是人生最珍贵的感情之一。古今中外不知多少名人用多少优美的诗句来歌颂与赞美过它。 曾经有一位伟人说过:“得不到友情的人将是终身可怜的孤独者;没有友情的社会,只是一片繁华的沙漠。” 友谊是瞬间开放的花,而时间会使它结果。友谊是一把雨伞下的两个身影,是一张课桌上的两对明眸。 友谊是理想土壤中的两朵小花,是宏伟乐章中的两个音符。友谊是永不落山的太阳。让朋友走近你的心田、滋润你的灵魂。