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时间:2024-05-28 04:28:45


题目:Bubul 正文: Bubul was my pet dog, when Dad brought it home from his co-worker, it was just three months old whom was black with white toes, when its round beatiful brown eyes looked at me, I could't help to hug it, it was so cut! From then on, it became my best friend, I fed it with my favorite food, I took it to the park and played with it together like that it was a real child. But, one day, when Dad went to work, Bubul followed him and Dad didn't know that. Then, at the crossroads,it was hit by a car, Dad heared its sound, but when he found Bubul, it was dead already. We all cried that day. Everytime I met with lovely dogs, I always missed my Bubul, my best friend.

He was a student then.He cooked for himself after school and took care of his sick mother every day.But he studies very hard.He did well in his studies and won many medals.


Learning English just like learning any other language, is hard work so my first advice is to spend much time practicing using English every day. Besides, we should listen to the teacher and take notes carefully in class. Go over what is learnt regularly and finish doing our homework carefully. Listen to English radio programmes, read English stories and newspapers, watch English films and TV programmes ,keep a diary in English and attend English debbates and speech contests.


The rabbit became very greedy, could think of it: don't eat white don't eat, let's have a bite. I gave it a big plant leaves, it still didn't eat satisfied, continue to head high head, looking for food, eat can eat more than we are! In some cases, the rabbit is hungry, will eat mat under the cage newspaper, not also eat rabbit newspaper! Really incredible.

I like dog,so I will describe the dog. The puppy is sleeping. the puppy is chasing the butterfly. the puppy is eating a bone. the puppy is rolling in the grass. the dog is fighting with other dog. the dog is biting the thief.