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时间:2024-05-29 03:08:21


For breakfast, I often eat eggs, bread and milk for lunch. I like to eat hamburgers, but it's not good for our health. Therefore, I often eat steamed rice, fish and vegetables for dinner. We often have porridge and some vegetables after supper. I go out for a walk with her family before going to bed. Every day I drink a cup of hot milk, because hot milk can help me sleep. 早餐,我经常吃鸡蛋、面包和牛奶;午餐,我喜欢吃汉堡包,但这对我们的健康不好,所以,我晚餐经常吃蒸米饭、鱼和蔬菜我们经常在晚饭后喝粥和吃一些蔬菜,我在睡觉前和她的家人出去散步,每天我都会喝一杯热牛奶,因为热牛奶可以帮助我入睡。

I'm XXX, I eat bread and milk in the morning, because it is very healthy. At noon I like to eat chicken, hamburgers and rice, they are so tasty. In the evening, I like to eat some fruit, I eat strawberry, banana and apple, because I don't want to get fat. This is my three meals a day diet. 我是xxx,我早上吃面包与牛奶,因为它很健康。中午我喜欢吃鸡肉、汉堡包和米饭,因为它们很好吃。晚上我喜欢吃一些水果,我吃草莓、香蕉和苹果,因为我不想变胖。这就是我的一日三餐饮食。


Storystartedat1866,AronnaxwasFrench,heisanaturalhistorian,andhewasstudyingalargemonsterunderthesea.Atthattime,thislargemonster’smassagerwastravelingaroundtheworld.Andaftertheinvestigation,hewouldreturnfromabroad,andthenhereceivedaninvitationfromseaforcesoftheAmerica.SoheclimbedupthechaserofAmerica,tomakethelargemonsterdieout.Bythehardship,thelargemonsterwasn’tbeingdying,butAronnaxandhisservant,awhalercamethecaptiveofthelargemonster——nobodyknowit——asubmarinecalled“Nautilus” .Theystayedtherenotbad,butcaptainNemodoesn’tletthemleave,theyneedtokeepsecret.Andtenmonthslater,theyrunaway,andtelleveryonethetruth


My most memorable one thing In my mind there is a most memorable things,though it had so long time,but to this day,I still can't forget.Remember that it was a rainy day,I go to school in the morning when the day did not have,so they also didn't take my umbrella,who knows to afternoon when school was over,it was already rain.How to do,I was alone in the classroom,at this time my good friend little red appear in my in front,is she put me back to home.Finally,I didn't know I was she sent the first ten student


The festival exchange greetings convey the family ethics between relatives and friends in the countryside, and it is an important festival for people to deepen their feelings.

The Spring Festival is coming.On that day,I can play firecrackers,affix Spring Festival couplets,pay New Year‘s call with my parents,eat Jiao-zi and get many gift money.I realy like The Spring Festival春节就要到了.那天我可以玩爆竹,贴春联,和爸爸妈妈去拜年,吃饺子,还能得到很多压岁钱.我真的很喜欢春节