今天早上,我被一阵“呼—呼—呼”的刮风声惊醒了。这时候,只听见爸爸在门外喊:“小航快来看,沙尘暴来了!”我听了,急忙穿上外衣,穿上鞋,跑到门外。只看见沙尘在强风的吹动下使得天地之间都变成了黄色!我吸了一口气,嗓子难受极了,发现空气浑浊,我跑过去看我家旁边的果树,树上都沾满了尘土,我抖了抖树干,一些尘土纷纷落了下来。 在老爸驾车送我去学校的路上,我看到大街上人很少,都戴着口罩,因为沙尘暴让大家不敢出门。看着车窗外满天的黄沙,我在心里暗暗的想:我们一定要爱护环境,多种树,让沙尘暴远离地球,绝不能让它破坏我们美丽的家园!
沙尘暴天气的危害 The dangers of sandstorms 沙尘暴天气是我国西北地区和华北北部地区出现的强灾害性天气,可造成房屋倒塌、交通供电受阻或中断、火灾、人畜伤亡等,污染自然环境,破坏作物生长,给国民经济建设和人民生命财产安全造成严重的损失和极大的危害。 Sandstorm weather is in northwest regions of north and north China appears strong severe weather, can cause houses collapsed, traffic power supply interruption, thwarted or fire, human and animals such as natural environment, pollution casualties, destroy crop growth, to the national economic development and people's life and property security caused heavy losses and a great deal of harm.
Duststorms are becoming a great concern for both the public and the government in recent years. Every spring overwhelming sands and dust sweep the northern part of China, blocking out the sky, enshrouding cities and villages, bring much inconvenience and problems to people's lives and work. In some regions, sandstorms have caused great loss in both people's lives and properties.