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时间:2024-05-27 17:18:54


Last summer vacation,my family and I went to Qingdao by train.There was always sunshine and fresh air,which made us so comfortable.We went to the seaside,the sea was as blue as the sky,and bathing in the sunshine on the beach, was really an enjoyable thing.I also picked up a lot of colorful shells with my little sister.There we bought many interesting souvenirs,I was planing to send them to my friends.We ate many tings there,such as fish,prawn,and so on.They are very delicious.Then we lived in a clean and tidy hotel,and the price was not so expensive.I like Qingdao very much,and if I got a chance,I hope to come here again,it is such a beautiful and interesting place. 这个假期我过得很愉快!


我从失败中学到了坚强 “失败就像一块石头.对于弱者,它是绊脚石,让你却步不前.对于强者,它是垫脚石,让你站得更高.” ----------巴尔扎克 那是一次考试后,我的成绩一落千丈,一连好几天都无精打采,闷闷不乐. 一场大雨过后,窗外阳光明媚,树上的叶子被冲洗得干干净净,显得青翠欲滴,连空气中都混杂着泥土的清香,面对这样的美景,爸爸走过来对我说;“我们出去走走吧”为了不扫爸爸的兴,我勉强答应. 我们径直走到河边,看到一地的泥泞,我们把鞋提在手里,沿着河滩一直走,河滩上满是泥土和沙子,踩在上面软软的,十分舒服,只是过于泥泞. “你是因为考的不好而不高兴么?”爸爸问 “嗯”我点头. “你这样失意并不会改变什么!”说这话时,爸爸突然转过头,向后看去,我转过头,看到身后两行深深浅浅的脚印,这是爸爸又说“要是在平时,脚印不可能这样清楚,路越是泥泞,留下的脚印越深刻……..”我恍然大悟;失败,可以让我找到自身的不足,我们应该感谢失败,它能让我们找到前进的方向,有助于我们成功! 我昂起头,笑着对爸爸说;“我们在走一段就回家!” “好”爸爸笑着回应. 身后留下的是两行一大一小,深深浅浅的脚印……. 后记;生活,是一片广袤的原野,它不会永远清风徐徐,鲜花繁盛.因此,我们要时刻准备着狂风怒吼,严寒侵袭.不在打击面前气馁,不在困难面前屈服,不在挫折面前失望,不在失败面前却步.给自己一些对失败的感悟吧,不要让明天的成功与我们擦肩而过! 我从失败中学到了坚强!


My holiday Before my holiday begins,I usually plan for my holiday first.As a student of grade six,I think study is more important than recreation.I will finish my homework in the first fifteen days and than I'll prepare for my lessons.I'll also read newspapers to broaden my horizons.When I'm not in mood studying,I'll help my mother to do the housework or play video games.I'll make good use of my holiday and have a good time.

My holidayBefore my holiday begins,I usually plan for my holiday first.As a student of grade six,I think study is more important than recreation.I will finish my homework in the first fifteen days and than I'll prepare for my lessons.I'll also read newspapers to broaden my horizons.When I'm not in mood studying,I'll help my mother to do the housework or play video games.I'll make good use of my holiday and have a good time.


last summer vacation, my parents and I traveled to five cities in East China. The first stop we reached by train was Nanjing. It was very hot that day. We first came to Zhongshan Mausoleum and saw many steps. There were many dense trees on both sides of the steps. They looked very beautiful. Walking up the steps, there were 392 steps in total. I felt very tired, but my heart was very happy because I could see Dr. Sun Yat Sen's tomb soon. At last, we reached the top of the mountain. We first visited the portrait of Dr. Sun Yat Sen, and then reached the top. We saw many pictures and words about Dr. Sun Yat Sen. After reading it, I was reluctant to leave Zhongshan Mausoleum.