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写英语作文,以My Study为题的英语作文?

时间:2024-05-27 17:20:49

以My Study为题的英语作文?

my study tis is my study.there is a desk in it.on the desk,there are a lot of books,a walkman and a clock.behind the desk,there is a window.on the window,there is a beautiful front of the desk,there is a chair.look at the wall!there is a map of china on the to the map,there is a photo of my family. my study is small.but it is nice and clean.i like it very much.


This is my home. My home isn’t has a garden. There is a living room in the center of the home. At the back of the living room, there is a bedroom. It’s my grandparents’ home. My home has three bedrooms. On the left of the home, there is a bathroom and a kitchen and a bedroom. The bedroom is my parents’. On the right of the home, there is my room and a dining room. My room has a desk, a shelf and a bed. On the desk, there is a amp and some books. Now, my mother is cooking in the kitchen. My father and my grandparents are watching TV in the living. Where am I? I am doing my homework in my room. I love my home very much!


Last week the teacher asked me which month is my favourite in the year...I think it's july and auguest although they the hotest months in the year. I dont need to wear too much. then i wil be not look like a bear as in winter. I also like them cos I can have my long long summer holidays during that time before. I can have the happy time with my sister. But now the holidays will never been given. Just working working...only have 15 days leave each year. But many of my friends think that i should cry content with it. 15 is so many for them. I often spend my anuual leave on march, coz it's a low season for travel. ar...back to the topic...the third reason I like them, I can tuck in ice-cream, especially the red bean ice cool...that's all what I can bethink.

十二月份英文写法:一月Jan.January二月Feb. February三月 Mar. March四月 Apr. April五月 May. May六月 June. June七月 July. July八月 Aug. Aguest九月Sept. September十月Oct.october 十一月Nov.november 十二月Dec.December My favorite holiday is New Year,Chinese New Year we can eat dumplings and a lot of good things to eat,but also Receive lucky money,parents will accompany us to the 。 Travel I like to travel, it's really fun. You can go to any places you want, beautiful 。 there are lots of places that they're famous because of the pretty landscape. Cultures are 。


Long long ago there was a chess master named Qiu whose chess skills were superlative. Qiu had two students who studied。sanke you

The sun smiled, flowers bloomed. Two friends danced under the blue sky, cherishing the moments that felt like magic.

故事:He finally said "I love you" after years of silence, but it was too late. 这个故事告诉我们爱情时刻都在,但是时机却很重要。如果你在错过的时候不勇敢表达,或者迟迟不敢承认,那么最终你可能会失去你所爱的人。因此,要勇敢地跨出第一步,把握好时机,表达你的爱。不要让沉默误了你的爱情。

在葱郁的森林深处,一只迷失的松鼠四处奔走,寻找回家的路。它跳过树枝,越过岩石,却始终找不到正确的方向。 正当它绝望之时,一只友好的蓝鸟飞过来,问它是否需要帮助。 松鼠欣喜若狂,随着蓝鸟的指引,它终于找到了回家的路,对蓝鸟的善意感激不尽。

以下是超短英语小故事25字 1.The Lost Wallet One day, John lost his wallet on his way to work. He was worried all day until someone called and said they found it. John was relieved and grateful. 2.The Clever Fox

当然,这是一个简短的英语小故事: The Kind Ant and the Grateful Grasshopper Once, a grasshopper fell into a deep well. It struggled and cried, but no one heard. Then, an ant passing by heard the cries and looked down. Seeing the grasshopper in distress, the ant quickly climbed down a vine and helped the grasshopper out. The grasshopper was grateful and asked, "Why did you help me?" The ant smiled and said, "Because I know what it's like to be in need. One day, you might help me too." The grasshopper learned the value of kindness and promised to pass it on. The moral of the story is: Be kind and help those in need, because you never know when you might need help too.

The sun smiled. Flowers bloomed. Birds sang. Hearts connected. Love grew. Life danced. Happiness embraced. Forever began.


I am Siri. I have a big eyes and ears, a small mouse and nose. My favorite food is ice cream and sandwich. My favorite drink is milk and orange juice. My friend is Lily and Lucy. I like my Friend,And I like my family too!

故事:A little girl with a big dream worked hard every day. Finally, she succeeded and became a successful businesswoman. 这个小女孩展现出了她的毅力和勤奋,这使得她最终实现了她的梦想成为了一名成功的女企业家。她现在能够享受她的成就,拥有自己的公司和员工。小女孩的故事告诉我们只要我们坚定实现自己的梦想,并为之付出努力,我们就有可能在未来成为成功的人。

故事:He tried and tried, but couldn't lift the heavy box. 这个故事表达的是努力并不一定能成功。尽管那个人很努力地试图举起箱子,但他仍然失败了。这启示我们,即使我们尽力去做某事,也有可能会失败。在这种情况下,我们需要接受现实,寻找其他方法达成目标。此外,这个故事还告诉我们,如果我们想成功,仅仅指望努力是不够的,我们需要制定一个计划并谨慎地执行它。最后,我们应该知道,失败是成功的一部分,通过失败我们可以学到更多知识和经验,这些对我们取得成功非常重要。

A butterfly struggled to fly. A child gently caught it and set it free. With wings renewed, it flew high into the sky. The child watched, smiling, as nature's beauty unfolded. Once a small bird fell from its nest. A kind boy found it and brought it home. He fed it and cared for it. Soon, the bird grew strong and flew back to its nest. The boy smiled, knowing he had helped a life.

The little boy planted a seed. It grew into a tree. He learned patience. 小男孩种下了一颗种子。它长成了一棵树。他学会了耐心。

以下是我的回答,超短英语小故事,25字似乎难以表达完整情节,但我可以尝试用尽量简洁的语言,讲述一个有趣的小故事。 Once a fox saw grapes high on a vine. They looked so sweet! He jumped and tried to reach, but failed. So he said, "They're not ripe yet." Wise men know what's good for them. 这个故事告诉我们,有时候,当我们面对困难或无法达成的目标时,我们可能会找借口来安慰自己。但真正的智慧在于认清现实,并找到适合自己的道路。希望这个小故事能给你带来启发和乐趣!

好的,我给您讲一个超短英语小故事吧,虽然25字内可能难以完整表达,但我会尽量简洁地讲述: Once a little fox lost its way in the woods. Scared, it cried for help. A kind rabbit heard and led it home. The fox learned: friends are always there when you need them. 这个故事讲述了小狐狸在森林里迷路,害怕得哭泣。善良的兔子听到后,帮助它找到了回家的路。小狐狸明白了,当你需要帮助时,朋友总会在你身边。希望这个故事能给你带来温暖和启发。