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网站首页 > 花草植物 > 5.1劳动节作文,用五句英文介绍五一劳动节活动?


时间:2024-05-29 05:19:55


1. International Workers' Day, also known as May Day, is observed on May 1st every year.2. The holiday is celebrated in many countries around the world as a tribute to the working class and laborers.3. People often take part in various activities such as parades, speeches, and marches to commemorate the achievements and struggles of workers.4. It is also a day to draw attention to continuous labor rights issues, such as fair wages, better working conditions, and workers' solidarity.5. On this day, people take a break from work to relax, spend time with family and friends, and appreciate the hard work and dedication of all workers.


First of May is labor day in China, Chinese government try to make better economic, thus why there was 7 days long holiday, people enjoyed this long holiday and then went back to normal.



清晨起来,我就感觉外面安静多了。不像平时,还没起床外面就熙熙攮攮的,上班和做生意的是接连不断。因为今天是一年一次的五一劳动节,人们都带着各自的家人提前前往旅游景点或亲戚家。而我不能出去玩 ,但我可以在家帮妈妈干活。 上午,我和妈妈带着弟弟到菜场买些菜。回来后,我把要吃的菜摘好洗干净,然后妈妈把饭煮好,把菜也做好了。开始吃饭,妈妈说我菜摘得很好,当时我听了心里美滋滋的


劳动节,让眼睛转一转,欣赏祖国的大好河山; 让腿跑一跑,自由的在田园间走动;让心忙一忙,迎接快乐和轻松的拜访。


Today is May Day, mom and dad took me to the kirin mountain amusement park to play. At the foot of the mountain, and vehicles, the crowds in slowly walked to the mountain, watching from a distance like flocks of black ants in the past. At the gate of the zoo there are a lot of people buy a ticket, the team in a long dragon, lively! We continue to go up, also met with three classmates. This is really a happy and memorable experience May Day!

