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时间:2024-05-31 03:32:49


动词形式是instruct,例如: 1.Members of staff should be instructed in the use of fire equipment.应该指导全体职员学会使用消防设备。 2.She came on every ride herself, the better to instruct her eager pupils.每一个骑乘项目她都要亲自试一试,以便更好地指导她那些跃跃欲试的小学生。

动词形式是instruct,中文意思是v. 指导;指示;通知;命令;吩咐;教授,传授(技能等);告知;委托(律师); 例句 The marketing director's first measure was to instruct each salesperson to call his or her five best customers and personally invite them to visit the boost.


teach职业名词是: teacher The teacher assigned ten problems for today . 老师今天指定十个问题。 I do not think much of my new teacher . 我认为我们的新老师不怎么样。 The teacher gathered her pupils round her . 老师把学生聚集在她周围。 Please pass this parcel on to teacher li . 请把这个包裹转交给李老师。 The people 's teachers ought to be respected . 人民教师理应受到尊敬。


可以组成单词pupil,意思是:n.学生;瞳孔;弟子;(尤指)小学生;门生;眸子;瞳人。 例句:1.As a girl she had been a model pupil 还是个小女孩的时候,她就是一个模范学生。 2.Simply marking an answer wrong will not help the pupil to get future examples correct 仅仅在答案上打叉号不会有助于学生做对日后的题目。 3.How many pupils does the school have? 这所小学有多少学生?


可以组成单词pupil,意思是:n.学生;瞳孔;弟子;(尤指)小学生;门生;眸子;瞳人。 例句:1.How many pupils does the school have? 这所小学有多少学生? 2.The school began in 1920, with only ten pupils. 这所学校创建于1920年,当时只有十名学生。 3.Several pupils were designated as having moderate or severe learning difficulties. 几名学生被认定有一定或严重学习困难。